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July 01, 2006

Serial Drama FAQ

If you hate these shows so much, why do you watch them? Maybe you should go take a walk instead.

We don’t hate them, we just…hate them. A little bit. We’re huge soap fans first and foremost, but sometimes they really do push the boundaries of our love.

Don’t you think those merged name thingies and using actors’ initials to talk about them is super-cool?

No. We find it confusing and annoying. So please don’t do it here.

Are you guys being sarcastic?

No, because we believe as Dostoevsky did that sarcasm is the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded. And we are definitely not modest or chaste. Though the course and intrusively invaded souls part is spot-on. So maybe sometimes we’re being sarcastic.

Do you care if I comment and totally disagree with you?

Not at all. As long as you keep things civil, we’re fine. We edit comments if we think they cross the line into personal attacks, or if they’re potentially libelous of a real-life person (as opposed to a fictional character – yes, we do know the difference!).  We also reserve the right to edit if you really, really offend our sense of propriety  We are some pretty impudent bitches, so if you offend us, you probably crossed the line long ago.  The line is a dot to you!

Will you ever cover any other soaps?

Probably not. There aren’t enough hours in the day for us to watch all of the shows and comment on them. Plus we’d have to learn all of those shows’ histories and it’s already confusing enough to keep track of who is related to who on the shows we watch now; more intricate family trees could push us over the edge.

Can I link to you on my blog/on a message board/on Livejournal?

Sure! We love that people enjoy us enough to send other visitors our way, and we thank you for it.