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September 21, 2006

Why Don't They Ever Do Stuff Like This To Sonny?

Listen, GH show-runners. Your "writing" has more than convinced us that the once beloved, BJ's-heart-receiving, sister-supporting, Frisco-and-Felicia-idolizing Maxie Jones is now The Most Horrible Character In Soaps. Game over. You need not subject us to a femullet-slash-fauxhawk-with-bobby-pin-assist to evidence that she is beyond repair.




I feel a migraine coming on.


I will weep for weeks over not being able to un-see this. Dear god, make it stop.

I wasn't going to be moved by Maxie's faux suicide attempt with a cardiac arrest chaser to begin with (see aforementioned status as Most Horrible Character in Soaps), but that coiffure just sent me over the edge. I want BJ's heart to just up and quit working in protest.

To have Mimi's nighmarish 'do and this tragedy appear on our screens in the same week is truly unfair. Maybe it's true that the networks are intentionally trying to drive viewers away from soaps so that they can fill up the daytime lineup with reality TV featuring subliminal advertising, or whatever the current prevailing tin-hat theory is.

Thanks to the folks at General Hospital Happenings for the screen caps. I think. Part of me thinks that preservation and distribution of those images is some kind of human rights violation.

-Evil But Twinless


maxi jones is amazing and i think that she is one of is not the best charecters on general hospitial

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