Party Like It's 1999 and You're Only Faking Being Pregnant!
Woohoo! Maxie on General Hospital isn't knocked up! I've never been so relieved at a non-pregnancy . . . er, not at someone else's, at least. How long do we think she can keep up this charade? And was Dr. Lee paid off, or is she just not a terribly good ob-gyn? I would think "uterus occupied? yes/no" should be one of the first things you learn. When an inanimate object can out-diagnose you, I think it's time to hit the books.
I love that Maxie just thinks the sperm donors are interchangeable - like, would Lucky not be suspicious when the baby popped out looking a bit Latino? Oh, hang on, it's Lucky, so . . . brilliant plan, Maxie darling! Boy is pretty, but dim. (God, I hate Maxie. Can they really not write her off? Maybe just send her to visit Felicia in Texas for a couple of years?)
Also on GH, I know that in the writers' world codependence is the new black, but am I really supposed to be moved by the Jason/Sam reunion? Or care about Rick's apparent plan to break them up, send Sam to prison and Jason to death row, torture Superman with kryptonite while dwelling in an old subway station, etc.? Meh. The whole Rick thing is cartoonish, and not in a good way. And I don't know whether it's the actors' performances or my exhaustion after having heard Sam whine for the last half-year or so, but I think Jason and Liz in that one night together were way hotter than these two people I'm supposed to believe are meant for each other are.
My disclaimer is that I was on one of my many GH hiatuses when Jason and Sam got together. If you were around for the build-up, is this stuff now enjoyable?