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May 01, 2007

Yo, Adrienne!

May I just say how nice it is to have Judi Evans back as Adrienne instead of annoying-as-all-hell Bonnie? A couple years ago, I returned from one of my Days' hiatuses to find one of the actresses who was on the show when I started watching as a Valley-girl-ish junior high schooler playing not Adrienne, the abused girl from the wrong side of the tracks who grew up and married the kind and uber-wealthy Justin Kiriakis (much to the dismay of his uncle Victor).  No, instead she was trailer-esque Bonnie, pulling stupid schemes and parenting a hairstyle-challenged, MAC-abusing daughter, and SHE HAD A TALKING DOG. I know I've mentioned this before, but seriously, it traumatized me.

Anyway, welcome back, Adrienne (and Judi)! Please tell me Justin and your passel of children are not far behind. Lord knows Salem needs some kids to help remove the incestuous angle from the youngsters' romantic entanglements.

Oh, and I'm not a fan of the hair color, but it's an improvement over the Bonnie-era 'do, so I'll chill. For now.


I hate the hair....but am SO happy to have Judi back. Seriously, the Duke murder storyline rocked my world as a little kid and NO ONE can bring on the sobs like Judi ! I couldn't stop squeeing when she came on. Best of all, now that I have a reason to watch another show, I have officially quit AMC.

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