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July 03, 2007

Awesome Alert

I know what you're thinking:  How can I quantify the awesomeness of the revamped and revitalized Days of Our Lives on a weekly, if not daily basis?  Well, thanks to regular reader ande mcbeal, you can now do so with a formalized version of our Awesomeness Rating System:


Now, we've heard rumors that similar alert systems are abused for political purposes, so we have to ask that you not use this revered scale to escalate any 'shipper wars or other soapy conflicts.  This is an official tool of Soapland Security and should be treated as such.

By the way, yesterday's Bo/Hope/Roman/Anna scenes:  Awesome level orange.  But another day of snoozeville and even the best soapy-hysterical quote in months ("You baby-stealing BITCH!") won't keep Belle from getting booted off the scale altogether.  She's starting to make a mockery of this very serious measure of awesomeness.


Who would have thought Belle would make any kind of awesome scale???

I wish the show would let her hit her head or be in an accident and she wakes up and becomes like....a younger version of Kate (w/o the Sami obsession). It would be interesting!

Can we GHers get a Suckitude Ratings System? You know, Green is They've Retconned Sam's Character. Again. Some More. All the way up to Red for Robert and Anna Scorpio Are NOT DeadBeat Parents, Dammit! Sadly, the shooting of Carly in the head, while she was giving birth to Sonny's son, by Sonny, is probably only in the Orange somewhere. (If he'd killed the harpy shrew, theoretically that could have started its own Awesome scale.)

Yes, the reverse scale would definitely be fun.

I'm still catching up on all my watching from my last trip, but Days has been so fabulous so far, and I think your scale hits all the right notes of awesomeness.

I definitely agree with the other posters about the GH Scale. That show is definitely worthy of an Awesomely Awful Rating Scale.

This looks awfully similar to Go Fug Yourself's Celebrity Terror Watch chart. Like, to the extent that it looks like it was actually taken from their site. which I know you guys would never do, and this was reader submitted...but... you know.

And since the chart at Go Fug Yourself is based on the actual Homeland Security Terror-Alert Chart...you know. The Fug Girls don't have a trade mark on the concept...as it wasn't theirs to start with.

That would warrant a whole new level of awesome on the scale if the Department of Homeland Security had stolen the terrorism alert chart from the Fug Girls, though.

Here's the original, which we did in fact rip off: http://www.whitehouse.gov/homeland/images/300-HSAS-Chart.jpg

We are probably the 32343249th internet entity to co-opt it. I don't like to stretch.

Actually, unless I'm seriously mistaken, the original Homeland Security alert chart was taken from something used by the French government. So there ya go.

Ah!! You're all Hacks!!!

Seriously, I think that chart is very generous to Days. I'm so resentful of the brief moments of awesome that tricks me into believing that there's actual hope of ever seeing a revival of soapyness like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=m7fTMd21N4k


I wasn't watching back then, so my input is basically limited to 1) OMG Kristian Alfonso was a toddler with the voice to match, and 2) Peter Reckell does not age but thankfully does get haircuts.

So our resident graphic artist ande created a version of the scale that's more in our color pallette, which I've edited into this post. Here is the old one in case people wish to fuel the "thiefs!!!" debate (quietly, in your heads, not here on the site):
http://imageigloo.com/images/1461Awesome Alert Scale.jpg

Also, Chad, that is so interesting/hilarious, given all that French-bashing in the U.S. a few years back.

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