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« An Inside Look | Main | Night Shift Episode 12: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted »

September 28, 2007

The Day's Dumbest Dialogue

Marlena: At least it feels like we're doing something now.

Yes, Doc, your helpfulness was completely overwhelming. Please make sure to take a break today and rest up from the energy you used to read letters aloud in a pub while the father of your children is missing and your daughter is running around town in peril looking for her kidnapped husband and kidnapped enemy while, incidentally, being pregnant with elephant babies.

It's not like they even did shadow puppets! I'd be more inclined to think they were doing something useful if their pow wow involved shadow puppets, because shadow puppets rule, but as it stands now this is just another reason I am happy that the Brady family is fictional and also not related to me.


that must have been the significance of the elephant pin Sami was wearing, yes?

When Bo, a couple days ago, said to Doug and Julie, something like "read the letters, they may help us find where Roman is." Seriously! How will letters tell you that Roman is buried alive!

And I was laughing so hard when Marlena said that, cuz I had the same reaction you did.

Oh, God... "elephant babies" is priceless. I haven't seen today's episode yet, and completely missed yesterday's. I can see I'm missing out on high drama.

I love how they actually know that Sami went running after Andre and they are sitting there oooing and ahhing over these letters!! Cracking me up.

The joys of Hogan Sheffer's writing. The show is so over, and how you people watch this horrible show is beyond me. I do believe the 1.8 ratings are proving this.

How have you not posted about someone finally shutting Carly up in today's episode?

Jason told her to shut up!

I've watched it six times.

Someone tell me how to make it into a screensaver!

Poor Marlena, not. Is it really dumb dialogue if it's in character... I'll file that under "Things that make you go hmm?"

As to the elephant babies, I'm willing to cut Hogan some slack. I think we get too used to soaps accelerating things for plot that when they do something that adheres to laws of nature, we get confused. Sami got pregnant on Dec 29. That would make her exactly nine months, today, but her due date should be October 5. (40 weeks) She is carrying twins and multiples rarely go to term. Not that I think Hogan is trying to be accurate, I'm sure there's a plot driven reason Sami didn't deliver full term babies in May--when she was five months.

HATE how Sheffer is writing Marlena. HATE IT. I cringed when she said this, too.

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