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October 16, 2007

Days: Now With 30% Less Cringing

There is very little I can do to improve upon this bit of casting news from Soap Opera Digest.


DAYS OF OUR LIVES's Max and Co. won't have to worry about felonious Jeremy (Trevor Donovan) any more. The hell-raising Horton leaves town on Wednesday, October 17.

Trevor Donovan is a hottie, but I think I have made my feelings about this character clear.

Next time, writers, perhaps it might be wise to do some research into the parents of your new character, and make even a small effort to explain where the character is coming from or why he is utterly and completely unlike the two people who brought him into the world who we watched on our screens for some period of time?  It's just a suggestion.  In case you're taking them.


*sniff* I'm so heartbroken, as evidenced by my jumping for joy... er, no. Sorrow! It's a sorrow-filled jump.

Ah, heck. Bye, poorly conceived Jeremy. Can't say I'll miss you as a character.

Aww. I'm gonna miss hating on Jeremy.

Actually Jeremy (Trevor) had grown on me. It's Jett whom I loathe and feel Marcus Patrick is the worst actor I have seen on the show since Austin Peck (I don't count the guy who played Jed.)

I agree, Tripp. As actors, the guy who played Jeremy is a way better actor than Jett. Heck, my dog is better at acting than Jett. It was the character of Jeremy I didn't like.

I sincerely hope Jett leaves, as well. I haven't missed him at all.

Yeah, I think Trevor Donovan is a good actor (he certainly convinced me of Jeremy's douche-itude), but the character was awful. I also totally agree that Marcus Patrick is terrible -- I hope Jeremy's exit means Jett isn't far behind. I have no idea where they were going with either of those stories, but it was no place good.

Good riddance! I could never get past how much he looks like a Ken doll brought to life. Ken, you know, Barbie's boyfriend? Or is that ex-boyfriend?

The Ken doll was supposed to be Barbie's brother.

I'm dying for a new Days post / James Scott screen cap...it's been TOO long. ;) Hurry back!

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