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« First Anniversary Self-Indulgence: Mallory Cracks Me Up | Main | LML: Evil Genius? »

October 03, 2007

First Anniversary Self-Indulgence: Becca Is Brill

Have you ever met someone so awesome that they make you feel bad about yourself, but it doesn't detract from how awesome that you think they are? Becca is that person for me. She always manages to top herself in terms of hilarity and general brilliance (and, needless to say, her taste in shoes and handbags is impeccable). She's pretty much who I want to be when I grow up. Um, in the "role model" way, not the "tie her up and take over her life" kind of way.

I could easily say that every post she's ever written is my favorite of hers, but I am going to give you the creme de la creme

Thank you, Becca, for your nonstop amazingness. True, it's gotten me in trouble at work when your entries make me literally laugh out loud, but it's a small price to pay. 


I just want to say that I think both of you ladies are fabulous and it makes me happy that you enjoy each other's commentaries as much as we do. I've been very much enjoying this trip down memory lane (although, I'm ashamed to admit it, I read most of your entries numerous times because they literally make me laugh out loud - sometimes, complete with knee-slapping).

Here's to many more years of "scathing speak" because as much as we love our soaps, it can only be a good thing to look at them with a critical eye as well so that we aren't "trained" to accept whatever crap the showrunners may fling our way. Keep up the good fight, or as was said in one of your postings, "Attica! Attica!".

Oh the ballad of Jason's trial...and JFP's most likely offical response to Jax's rape are quite possibly TWO of my most favorite pieces EVER. Scathing speaks rock....

Becca, you are the queen of the screencaps! And you are both completely brill. We may never be able to "un-see" the Dippity-Do dos, the fauxhawkmullets, the rampant bralessness, the Lady Lawyer Bows'n'Ties. . . but thanks to you we can laugh through our tears!

I FLOVE you both-yes, I'm 31 years old and I just used "flove", and everyone can bite me for it-but I digress! Anyway, I FLOVE you both, Carly's brigade of ugly tops (especially that blue that looked like she tore off all the buttons and closed it with a belt-GOOD GOD!), Sam's brigade of hooker wear, and, my all-time fave, Cam's "Bitch, please" expression. Oh, yeah, and how could I forget the hitman song-you so need to do one for Cracktrick (Patrick's new name until the screwing-an-expressionless-ho madness stops), as it will channel some of my current hatred for him into mocking him. And maybe, just maybe, I might be able to see my way clear to the day when I can want him with myRobin again without him having to crawl across broken glass, begging and crying for her to take his sorry heartless faithless evil ass back, while also on fire, to redeem himself.

Thanks so much, you guys! It has been such a fun year.

I agree Becca is funny and I come and read every week!

we don't agree on everything but all in all she at east has argument behind he liking and not liking!

Great job!

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