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« Days of Our Lives Couple of Weeks in Review | Main | Shelle-Shocked »

January 20, 2008

Carly's Comeuppance, Continued

I really don't think I can handle all this anti-Carly awesomeness.  Virtually everyone in town has told her off over the last couple of weeks, and now Jax got in on the bitchslapping action:

Jax:  The purpose of an intervention is to make the person aware that they have a problem.
Carly:  I don't have a problem, except you won't let me go help Jason.
Jax:  Do you realize how many times a day you mention that man's name?  How often you defend or rhapsodize about him?  How often you bring up how amazingly loving and protective he is, how great he is with the boys, and how no woman is ever good enough to be with him, and how often you stick your nose into his life to prove it?  A fact which in itself borders on inappropriate behavior for a married woman, and is highly insulting to said woman's husband.
Carly:  Okay, is this about you being jealous?
Jax:  No, it is about you being obsessive and having no boundaries where Jason is concerned.  [If by "Jason" you mean "everyone."  - Ed.]  I mean, even Jerry sees it.  [Hee.  Even Jerry.  -Ed.]

I don't care that TemporaryJax is suddenly British and even when he's regular AustralianIngoJax his hair is totally insane:  I LOVE HIM.  I truly do.

I am also quickly falling in love with the replacement writers.  GH may be the one soap on the air that will actually improve if the strike drags on.


ITA, but too bad it will be all for naught!

Carly just does not get it, at all!

She reverted to being 18 in a nanosecond.

Too bad I liked her with Jax, but this new/old version, been there saw it, ad nauseumn!

I want Carjax away from Jason/Sonny!
Is that so hard to get?

This is entirely frustrating to me, because I refuse to watch the show while they're ruining the character of Robin Scorpio every way they can, and as a result I'm missing all of this good Carly bashing. It isn't fair.

You know, it's almost like the scab writers have been watching the soap for years, seeing Carly get away with everything and get into everyone's business without consequence. Then they get the call to write for GH and they jump at the chance to bring Carly down.

I can't help it....I love it. Sorry, Laura Wright.

where can i write fan letters to the scab writers? i think i'm a little bit in love with them.

Scab writers are my new heroes. *starry eyes*

My biggest hope - since I do love CarJax and see it with a future - is that Carly will finally see the light and it won't be shining from Sonny's smile or Jason's halo, and it will come from a real good guy like Jax. Life outside the mob for her children's sake - what a concept??? Let's hope reality will set in and Carly will grow up from this, and from the scab writers having their way with her. *hee*

That's my hope any way.

I like the temporary Jax.Hope he stays for awhile.

Fan letters to the scab writers? I'm freaking adopting them. I am thisclose to having full out Robin Scorpio baby rabies to have Garin Wolf's baby. If I wasn't so sure that would proably scare him into hiding? Would totally tell him that.

I agree Alice...it is almost like the current writers are trying to write the wrongs of Guza....and count me down as a fan.

This is awsome. I think it's time to nominate Carly as Daytime's Worst Character because I think she might be even worse than Sonny at this point.

I just have to say the Scab writers are doing a GREAT JOB....get rid of GUZA please. Kill him off.....

Watching Carly's comeuppance....like watching the sunset on a beautiful spring day.

I too agree that the scab writers are doing a much better job writing the show than the individuals that they are replacing. It almost seems that they have been long time viewers and actually know and understand the history of the characters. Maybe they had written for the show in the past, had gotten fired and therefore left the union. That could explain their knowledge of how GH used to be. Just a thought...

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