Days of Our Lives Week in Review
I continue to be challenged to come up with entertaining (by which I mean hypercritical and bitchy, as always) recaps of Days lately, because it's getting so good! It's in some kind of inverse relationship with General Hospital, apparently.
Anyway, let's dive right in. The big reveal this week was Belle's infidelity. Pop quiz: This is the appropriate reaction of a man when his newlywed wife has just told him that
a. the Brady Pub is out of clam chowder
b. his TiVo is on the fritz
c. she went a little crazy with the credit cards at the after-Christmas sales
d. she cheated on him with her ex-husband (who is also the current husband's uncle and arguably the guy he hates most in the world)
If you're Shawn Douglas Brady, of course, the answer is d. Freak. It's a good thing that guy is so good-looking.
Granted, he did then demand a divorce, but DUDE, what was that initial response? Anyway, let's focus on what's really important here: BELLE AND SHAWN BROKE UP! Praise be. Now please let it stick.
Shawn could have borrowed a bit of drama from his cousin (and sister-in-law, oy) Sami.
Of course, this could easily have been Sami reacting to the dry cleaners closing early. Damn, could they cut the girl a break in the OTT-drama department? She freaks out every day over something. I worry about Ali Sweeney's tear ducts, and frown lines. (And also about her still-too-light hair color, but that's off-topic.)
Martha Madison seems specialize in heavy drama -- she handled the break-up well and was great after John's death.
She also has much better rapport with the new, suddenly much older Claire than she did with the twins who played her before.
I will miss the entertainment value of that one twin who just openly loathed Martha, but whatever, it's worth it to have a child capable of talking. There are a whole lot of babies on this show right now. Not that I don't love babies. Oh lord, please don't email me about my feelings about infants.
I am kind of loving the "Where's Brady?" mystery, Chloe and Phillip's interactions, the possibility of this story dovetailing with the Stefano one and, of course, the fact that these two hotties intend to mercilessly fuck with Belle and Shawn's relationship, or what's left of it.
I enjoy EJ's unabashed hatred of Rolf. It's something we have in common! I also loved him banging on the door with his cane, and I am really intrigued by the character rehabilitation the writers are doing, with EJ helping to save Lucas, even if it is in his self-interest. I think EJ and Stefano being on opposite sides is about ten times as interesting as EJ the devoted and non-questioning son.
Seriously, Lauren Koslow, please stop whatever it is that you're continuing to do to your previously gorgeous self. Amanda Lepore should not be providing anyone's facial aspirations.
Call me a sap, but I freaking loved the New Year's Eve party. I love the events that bring the cast together and where everyone's all happy and relatively normal.
I mean normal like doing stuff we real people do, not normal like everyone at parties I go to is ridiculously good looking and somehow avoids any embarrassing drunken displays on New Year's Eve.
Kayla and Steve continue to be adorable
especially when Steve was doing his dorky little dance (I heart Stephen Nichols), but I really need him to get a haircut and ditch and bolo tie. The Johnny Cash look is bad enough (though totally in character, I know), without that particularly annoying accessory.
Speaking of fashion missteps, what the eff was Marlena wearing?
I am pretty much fundamentally opposed to fabric flowers of any kind. I will typically waive that objection for members of bridal parties who are under the age of ten, or anyone in a comedy sketch mocking Patricia Field's hideous wardrobing of Sarah Jessica Parker on Sex and the City. Since Marlena is neither (though I would actually kind of love to see Deidre Hall in the latter), this dress fails.
Anyway, it was a short but good week around Salem. I still have high hopes for Salemites in 2008! I hope you all had a great New Year's celebration, and thanks for kicking off another year with us here at Serial Drama. Keep an eye out for what we hope will be a great new addition to the site, coming later this week.
Screencaps courtesy of Days of Our Lives 2.
I swear, if this show just hires Lindze Letherman, it will be the last thing I need to start watching.
Posted by: Kat | January 06, 2008 at 01:54 PM
I wish Lauren Koslow would leave her face alone and wardrobe and hair would stop hating her! Not even that long ago, but when Roman and Kate were together before that horrid Aremid thing she was so pretty, envy inducingly so. Wardrobe seems to be having a dare about what she should wear and her hair is just bad. Nobody but her could be blamed for her make-up as she does it, or any cosmetic work as it's her choice but she seriously needs to take inspiration from Jane Elliott, rather than that person from B&B we're not allowed to mention in case we get sued.
P.S.You're so right, Patch & Kayla, and Bo & Hope are so cute!
Posted by: | January 06, 2008 at 02:31 PM
I heart Stephen Nichols too.
And you took the words out of my mouth with Brandon Beemer's unreaction to Belle's cheating. At least MM made up for him in that scene.
Posted by: Tripp | January 06, 2008 at 03:59 PM
Wait a minute... Rolf is back on Days? I really need to start watching again.
Posted by: Elisabeth | January 06, 2008 at 04:09 PM
*sigh* Miss Belle-hating Claire.
And one of the main reasons I look forward to Sami-EJ scenes (other than the pretty that is James Scott) is that those seem to be the rare times that Sami doesn't immediately break down into tears. Instead, we get the bitchy, take-no-crap Sami that I idolized when I first started watching Days. Let Lucas rot, save Sami's tear ducts!
Posted by: Heather 8 | January 06, 2008 at 04:52 PM
Is it just me or maybe it's just the haircut, but does Shawn Brady have elfin ears?
Posted by: Kathy V | January 06, 2008 at 06:15 PM
Yes, 1000 times yes, the Shawn Duh reaction to Belle's infidelity left me feeling cold. The boy just cannot act. I must say though that I was impressed that that writers actually had Belle admit to her infidelity in what for soap operas is record time. A month, month and a half is all that took, not used to such speed!
James Scott is just the awesome and I love the Stefano vs. EJ storyline and can't wait to see it play out. I'm all for the redemption of EJ as long as they do keep him subtle shades of gray. He brings out the best in his Samanther, that is for sure!
Posted by: Nolebucgrl | January 06, 2008 at 07:24 PM
"Is it just me or maybe it's just the haircut, but does Shawn Brady have elfin ears?"
Yes, and Spock's sideburns to complete the look. Perhaps that's why he's showing no emotion.
Posted by: Lisa | January 06, 2008 at 09:36 PM
Days continues to rule the airways and I don't have any major complaints, but I am also concerned about Allison Sweeney. She has got to dial Sami down a notch and stop relying on the "ugly cry." Hon, it's not that deep.
My one complaint on the writing front: I'm sick of Sami constantly apologizes to and for LucAss. He's a grown ass man, she didn't make him or drive him to anything. I don't have a problem with any of the three Blind Mice (that was some startlingly bad marksmanship in that church) taking aim at the DiMeras--my problem is that two of them missed and NOBODY was aiming at Stefano. WTF? Lucas's supposedly shot merely crippled (and even that was a badly done) EJ and would have solved exactly what? Dumbassery.
I will echo Kat's wish for Lindze Letherman--she's just fabulous.
Posted by: ande mcbeal | January 06, 2008 at 10:49 PM
NuClaire is Dave Foley's daughter! A connection to the Kids in the Hall (however tenuous) can only improve any show. :-D I will also agree that Steve & Kayla and Bo & Hope were completely cute. Can we have some more, please?
Posted by: Kade | January 06, 2008 at 11:48 PM
Why is Phillip still mooning over Belle? They have no chemistry. She seems asexual. I don't get why they keep pushing this pointless relationship.
Posted by: Carl | January 07, 2008 at 12:36 AM
hey Carl...agreed! phelle are not only chemistry-less but boring/redundant. philip is too interesting for plain-jane-belle. and i miss the old Claire as well! it was sooo funny to watch her with her "mom."
i admit that i'm just recently tuning back into Days after a 3 year hiatus. used to be a die-hard fan back in the day. i am so glad to see it revived. i've officially ditched GH (aka "crap") and i'm enjoying the quality, consistent, story-driven, family relationship-oriented, history respecting--and i could go on and on--show Days has become.
i don't know if this is a shared sentiment, but i'm actually really enjoying this edgier and snarkier Chloe. she's very entertaining and not to mention gorgeous, plus the chemistry with Philip is not bad to watch either ;)
Posted by: Michelle | January 07, 2008 at 03:57 AM
With the comments about Kate's face and Marlena's dress.....anyone notice that Marlena has had trouble opening her eyes lately? Talk about nip and tuck!!!
Posted by: botoxlady | January 07, 2008 at 07:16 AM
Thanks to Serial Drama, I have tuned back into Days after a long long spell. The last time I watched regularly, Jack and Jennifer were my favorite couple...the first round. I really enjoy your take on the show and its now set on my dvr. Unfortunately, Genereal Hospital is there too. What a difference in two shows!
Posted by: Michelle L | January 07, 2008 at 10:10 AM
Brandon Beemer is the best actor in the whole world.
Posted by: Michelle Hempleman | January 07, 2008 at 10:25 AM
It is wonderful to see Days becoming a good show again. I'm just hoping that it actually last this time. I remember feeling this same kind of optimism about this time last year only to watch it crushed under the weight of the Great Stall of 2007.
I totally agree that Steve, Kayla, Bo and Hope are tons o' fun and I hope the writers continue to take advantage of that fact. And I am very much looking forward to seeing how Stefano and EJ's standoff plays out.
Posted by: esp13 | January 07, 2008 at 12:45 PM
I can't believe how old Claire is's like almost yesterday she was just born? Okay it was almost yesterday! I think that happened with Belle too when Marlena and John got married...when they came back Belle had aged 10 years or so!!
I can't believe Belle (I named my cat after her!!) told Shawn about her and Phillip. Does she love it when he hates her?
I really wish I could watch every day again...this is a great recap though for people like me who haven't watched in a while. (Tear) I'll miss it when it's gone!!
Posted by: Taylor_Blue | January 09, 2008 at 08:07 PM
sami brady looks like the kind of woman who would rip some pretty deadly smelly farts in a spin class.
Posted by: craig weiser | August 25, 2014 at 12:09 AM