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« This Is the Best They Can Do? | Main | Vintage Suds: Days Rings in 1989 »

July 20, 2008

New Feature Alert: Vintage Suds

We are so terribly bored by our soaps these days, and find blogging about them so taxing, that we decided to go back in time to try to recapture our enthusiasm for the genre.  We therefore announce the launch of a new feature, Vintage Suds, in which we recap episodes from our shows when our love/hate relationship was more on "love" and less on "hate."  Not surprisingly, we had to go a looong way back.  Well, also the tapes that Becca found in her basement during a fit of OCD-like cleaning are NBC shows from the late 80s and early 90s, so that was a time-determining factor as well. 

Maybe you have more recent -- or even more dated, for that matter -- episodes you'd like one of us to recap?  Head on over to our Serial Drama Dish forums and post a link to the ep online, or email us if you'd like to arrange to send us a tape. 

We're so excited about this new venture that we've sprayed our bangs high, padded our shoulders wide, and applied our makeup with a trowel.  We're nothing if not committed.  Well, we're not really committed to our shows these days, but we're committed to being enthusiastic about detailing the many ways in which our shows used to be much, much better than they are now. 


I think you guys should blog about one of the GH episodes from that Robin marathon on SoapNet awhile back. I seem to remember promises being made before about blogging about the 1995 episode with Stone's death :P

Rad! I'm going to be so into this.

I know you already did Days, even Days in the late eighties, but if you don't do a bonafide Jack and Jen soap crazy worthy episode, I will throw myself off of a building.

Or something.

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