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December 11, 2008

Please Read This Post With The "Jaws" Theme Song Playing In Your Head

Reader Mia mentioned the other day that this terrible thing on GH had happened and I didn't have the heart to watch Tuesday's episode to see it for myself. I also didn't have the heart to watch Tuesday's episode because I still feel sick about Monday's episode. But I finally got caught up and it's true. We got saddled with the return of Robin's hideous plaid coat. 

Out of all the legitimately cute plaid coats in the world, they chose to purchase this one...

Out of all the GH clothing items of yesteryear, they pulled this one out of wardrobe....

And, multiple times, they have forced us to look at this amazing Technicolor plaid monstrosity...




The mind boggles. "Let's put the adorable girl in this OVERSIZED, BRIGHTLY AND ALSO CLASHING COLORED COAT"?

Viewers are leaving your show in DROVES. And your storytelling is AWFUL and will surely cost you more of your audience. And your you decide to compound that with this coat? FAIL.


The coat is wretched...but it could have been worse....It could have been that insane plaid shirt they put Lucky in when he returned from the monkey virus.

Ha ha brilliant post the first thing I thought of when I saw the coat was your posts giving out about it! My favourite thing about the whole thing is how Robin as a doctor has been stuck with the same coat for 2 years now but Liz a nurse and single mother has had loads of different coats. You can always count on GH for authenticity!

Easy there LizFan! Liz has this same coat in red/orange and she wore it a lot last year, even right before the MC hostage crisis nonsense, so there. I wish I had a screencap to prove it. I remember it's hideousness when she dropped by the MC to pick up a dress from Maxie in the lobby for the GH fundraiser that turned into the MC hostage bonanza.

It must have been a two for one sale. "Fugly plaid coat in both warm and cool colors" .... sad.

Robin has a great raspberry colored wool coat that she wore to help Patrick out at his old hotel room the morning after he got his cast for punching Coleman. Again, wish I had a screencap of not only the beautiful coat but Patty hotly trying to dress himself with a cast in his black boxer briefs!!! Nookie ensued and it was delightful!!!!

Sarah I know Liz has the same coat but my point was she has been able to get a new one by now whereas Robin still has the one horrible coat.

LizFan, I was only pointing out nobody on GH is spared from hideous wardrobe. I love Patrick but if I see him in one more tiny skinny tie I may gauge my eyes out. And Carly? She is the golden beloved Guza treasure and her wardrobe is as criminal as she is! It's sad what passes on GH as style. If I get going on Lulu's wardrobe let alone what they have done to her character I may cry.


Personally, I think TIIC know the storylines suck, so they put the cast in these god-awful wardrobe choices to distract us from the crapfest that is GH...

I don't know which was worse, Robin's coat or the fugly one Maxie was wearing on Wednesday. Or maybe the fact that the citizens of Port Charles are being destroyed by the evil Darth Guza. I hate this effing show...

Those screen caps are obviously from three or four decades ago, and not 2008. Right? Right?!?

I think I have this all figured out - Guza was giving advise to my fair Governor of Illinois - THAT'S why he was that stupid... it all makes sense now...

Michelle I think you figured out the brilliantly evil plan...that HAS to be it. Guza has bribed the wardrobe department in order to keep his job!

"Robin has a great raspberry colored wool coat that she wore to help Patrick out at his old hotel room the morning after he got his cast for punching Coleman. Again, wish I had a screencap of not only the beautiful coat but Patty hotly trying to dress himself with a cast in his black boxer briefs!!! Nookie ensued and it was delightful!!!!"

Ahh, Sarah, good times!!!!

Wait, what was I going to say?!!?

No one should make a coat out of bad 1970's golf pants. It's just WRONG.

Is this why Emma cries around Robin all the time? Bad wardrobe choices? Although Robin WAS so proud of the fact that she and Emma had a "good day" while she was out in that coat. Perhaps she was in a bad-taste-induced coma? So when Emma cries, instead of driving her around in the car or putting her car seat on top of the dryer to get her to go to sleep, Robin can just parade around in front of the crib in that coat. Emma will have brain damage and PTSD, but she'll be quiet.

Hey, lay off Patrick's skinny ties and pants! He's nouveau mod and he's one of the few people who can get away with it.

Hey, lay off Patrick's skinny ties and pants! He's nouveau mod and he's one of the few people who can get away with it.

Obviously Robin is a big fan of the Bob Newhart Show.

Or Luza has decided to distract all of you from the bad stories.

I was going to comment on Patrick's ties when I watched this crap but he got away with pulling it off so he's cool with me.

Carly's hair--really now! Robin's plaid coat is awful. A good coat does not cost big duckets. If it does then you are stupid!

I think a previous poster was correct about making wardrobe hideous to distract from insane storylines. However, with both storyline and wardrobe sucking it makes watching the crapfest 100 times as bad and add in some suck actors. No wonder viewers are defecting in record numbers. It's not Physics network execs...Krist.

GH's tragic wardrobe is a deliberate ploy: if the plaid clash can make you dizzy and a little ill, it might distract you from the fact that the show is dreck but keep you trapped in your chair for fear of falling down while trying to click off the TV with your eyes crossing.

GH's tragic wardrobe is a deliberate ploy: if the plaid clash can make you dizzy and a little ill, it might distract you from the fact that the show is dreck but keep you trapped in your chair for fear of falling down while trying to click off the TV with your eyes crossing.

Here's the trick, at least with the Robin character in this coat. Just concentrate on her so pretty face, lovely shiny hair and that she was in a scene with Uncle Mac. That awesomeness is so bright that who notices what anyone is wearing. For instance the last time I can recall this coat is with fondness. Iw was the day Robin showed Patrick the apartment- Robin did that cute exercise movement and the memorable thing is that she jumped up on dude coat and all. It was so worth seeing that coat on both days.

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