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July 01, 2009

Subtlety Is Not This Show's Strong Suit

Hey, guys! How are you feeling? Do you have pounding headaches? So do I. I think it's a direct result of being hit in the head with the ten tons of foreshadowing the General Hospital writers threw at us today:

Sonny, to Jason, about Michael, in a surprisingly well acted scene that marks the second time this week that I have complimented Steve Burton's performance and regarded such as the highlight of the entire show, which leads me to believe that it is 1997 again and nobody told me. Oh wait, it's not, because half of the characters on canvas in 1997 are dead now: As far as I'm concerned, he's my firstborn.

Because Michael's NOT Sonny's firstborn, remember? Both because he is not Sonny's biological son and because Sonny doesn't know that his firstborn son was actually born to Olivia and is named Dante and who is, we're all sure, going by the name Dominic and who spent a few days hiding in Sonny's own house. Oh the drama!

And wait--there's more! Sonny's firstborn actually held a gun on Sonny's "firstborn" (and ex-wife and one of the children that he seems like he can do without). CAN YOU HANDLE THIS EXTREME ORIGINALITY AND ENTERTAINMENT?

We are in for a long, long summer.


I also have a headache from all the comments about Michael...and the car...and how something just like what happened to Jason could happen....Gosh...I wonder if something's going to happen with the car!!!

However I do think they are stealing PARTS of theses scripts from 1997 and mixing them in with the new crap to keep us wondering.

A very long summer indeed. Oy and the car, more shame shame shame and stupidity from Sonny.

Michael is...

1. still recovering from the coma, the bullet to the brain, and a couple of risky neurosurgeries

2. he has NO driving experience, no permit, no license

3. he has no impulse control and flies into violent rages daily

4. he has no respect for any authority, let alone the law

5. he wants to be a mob boss and thinks he has what it takes and it is a super duper life choice

6. he runs away a lot

7. he thinks Sonny & Carly are honest and a good couple who work things out well (he still doesn't know his Dad signed over his parental and custodial rights while he was in a coma at Carly's demand, but that's OK because the writer's forgot about that!*%^@*&%@&%$@&^!*)

8. he is a manipulative spoiled sheltered teen, the least of his problems lately

So Super Daddy gets him a convertible sports car? And that is to make up for denying him access to his Mob Empire.

OOOOkay. Even if Michael had to have a car, no car could be more dangerous than the one Sonny chose. It is sick. Sonny's parenting is all about him. He still doesn't get that the child's wellbeing has to come first. Pathetic.

A very long summer indeed. Oy and the car, more shame shame shame and stupidity from Sonny.

Michael is...

1. still recovering from the coma, the bullet to the brain, and a couple of risky neurosurgeries

2. he has NO driving experience, no permit, no license

3. he has no impulse control and flies into violent rages daily

4. he has no respect for any authority, let alone the law

5. he wants to be a mob boss and thinks he has what it takes and it is a super duper life choice

6. he runs away a lot

7. he thinks Sonny & Carly are honest and a good couple who work things out well (he still doesn't know his Dad signed over his parental and custodial rights while he was in a coma at Carly's demand, but that's OK because the writer's forgot about that!*%^@*&%@&%$@&^!*)

8. he is a manipulative spoiled sheltered teen, the least of his problems lately

So Super Daddy gets him a convertible sports car? And that is to make up for denying him access to his Mob Empire.

OOOOkay. Even if Michael had to have a car, no car could be more dangerous than the one Sonny chose. It is sick. Sonny's parenting is all about him. He still doesn't get that the child's wellbeing has to come first. Pathetic.

Why did they cast an actor in the role of Dante who looks the same age as Olivia, Dante's mother? I don't get it. And please tell me this doesn't mean we're going to get Solivia? God help us. I hope Brandon Barash (Johnny) has a good job lined up.

Can you please write a post about this horrifically sexist Alexis story?

You know what really pisses me off the most about Sonny's parenting? ITS THE FACT THAT HE SEEMS TO FORGET THAT HE HAS TWO OTHER CHILDREN, HIS BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN(and one that he doesn't know about who held his pricious Micheal and the one he doesn't even remember let alone pay attention to Morgan at gun point) and seriously how bad of a parent can you be that you buy a sports car for a spoiled, selfish, angry, hurtful, brain damaged kid who by the way DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A DRIVERS LISCENCE a sports car? And than add insult to injury you think that letting him stay at a mob free home of his biological fathers house is a fate worse than death? I mean WTF? I like sonny when he's around Robin and is well, human and I really love MB but Sonny as a whole is the most selfish character EVER and lately he's been even worse and an added bonus, also really, really STUPID. And what is the most shocking thing to me so far on this crap shit never ending story of Micheal, Micheal, Micheal is how much like a descent parent Carly's been (minus a couple of stupid mistakes) and I can't believe I am saying this but, I think I'm starting to like Carly a little bit, it's funny because I love Laura Wright and I think she has been the best Carly but I never really liked the character or cared for her story's at all but props to LW for her skills. And also props to SBurton lately. That being said, I still hate this stupid Mob fest shit whole story with New anger boy Micheal (even though the kid who plays Micheal is a good actor).

Yeah, Michael really annoys me. As does Sonny's undying and completely skewed view of his son. Living with the Q's is the best thing for Michael.

Hopefully, we get to see Michael interact with Tracy. She would floor him so fast, it'll be funny.

Sorry for the double post earlier. I just wanted to add/ask about Dante. The boards are buzzing that maybe he is really law enforcement trying to infiltrate the mob. Even IF that is true, and I seriously doubt it, the last "agent" who tried that was Hannah. And she nearly married Mumbles and made sure he didn't pay for any of his crimes.

So very Guza right? A female FBI agent as misogynistic Brenda look a like turned mob moll and complete professional failure.

Okay, I don't even watch this shit anymore, but I have to point out the incredible laziness of having on one side of town, Ethan, never before known son of Luke, causing trouble for his previously thought first son, and intriguing his little sister, who thinks his dad is the greatest, bestest dad evah!

Now they're going to have DD on the other side of town, never before known son of Sonny, causing trouble for his previously thought first son, and intriguing his little sister, and who thinks his Dad, sight unseen, is the greast, bestest dad evah!

Is this the example of the laziest soap writing, ever? When you steal from yourself? In the same day?

OK. I agree with everything that has been said. And I really can't stand Sonny these days because he has only one emotion---anger. But, on the other hand, the newbies, actors playing Michael, Kristina and especially Dominic/Dante seem to be really good actors. They are fun to watch, even when they have incredibly stupid things to say. Yeah for casting....still a very big boo for writing.

I haven't seen a single scene with Michael, Sonny or Carly in the past several months that I give the tiniest shit about. I fastforward through it all, which has saved me a ton of time, since about 50% of every show is focused on them. I can't find any new way of saying how sick I am of this storyline and these characters. Jason admitting that he might have been wrong and the fact that this assinine and LOOOOOOONG drawn-out storyline has given the Qs a bit more airtime give only the dimmest glimmer of a bright side to this stupid and deadly dull storyline.

@Lisa. Just writing to say that I appreciated your comment. I mean, it's a simple concept -- don't use the same storyline for two different characters at the same time -- but apparently the GH writers needed someone like you in the writers' room to wave your hands around and be all "hey guys! wait a sec! do you see what you're doing?!"

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