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August 27, 2009

Countdown to the Emmys: Day 5

It's time to look at the Outstanding Lead Actor category, which has the highest potential to be the most controversial of the night*. We are (okay, it would probably be more honest to say "Mallory is") still smarting over this category's complete lack of Peter Bergman and Darnell Williams, so we'll probably be unhappy with the results no matter who wins.

*By "most controversial" we mean "most likely to have us screaming obscenities at another hammy, over-the-top clip earning an award"


Daniel Cosgrove (Billy, Guiding Light)

After the jump, the rest of these accomplished actors and their submitted scenes, and the big vote.

Our Take: We have a huge soft spot for Daniel Cosgrove, thanks to season one of the late, lamented Dirty Sexy Money and when Mallory watched Guiding Light this spring, she really liked him and Marcy Rylan together, so perhaps it's not surprising that we enjoyed his Emmy reel. He got to play a huge range of emotion, from happiness to heartbreak, and was so natural and realistic that you forgot he was acting. However, this category is well known for picking the hammiest of hams, so we feel that he's a complete longshot.

Anthony Geary (Luke, General Hospital)

Our Take:


Okay, fine, he's our real take (although Barney does a nice job of summing it up): Tony Geary is a good actor who has grown to enjoy the campy scenery chewing more than quiet, subtle moments, and he has a writing staff behind him who is all too willing to indulge him by writing him over-the-top Emmy bait. He's totally going to win, and the writers will reward him by giving him similar scenes for three of the four weeks a year that he's actually on the show, and then he will win another Emmy and so on and so forth, until the show gets canceled (which could be as soon as next year with the way the ratings are dropping).

Thorsten Kaye (Zach, All My Children)

Our Take: Was this a boring submission or what? We know that Thorsten Kaye was probably very careful with the scenes he chose, since if he submitted his excellent work some of the real crap he had to act out, the voters would probably have stopped watching and shunned him immediately, but this was a snooze. And, much like Cosgrove, he may be a bit too low-key for this category, because along with Geary we have...

Christian J. LeBlanc (Michael, The Young and the Restless)

Our Take: Emmy Bait Part II: The Emmying. Christian J. LeBlanc was outstanding, as he always is, but he may as well have been screaming, "I WANT THE EMMY! I WANT IT NOOOOOW!" during this episode. That said, it was a good, showy performance and we know how the voters love those.

Peter Reckell (Bo, Days Of Our Lives)

Our Take: It was so nice to see Peter Reckhell get some Emmy love, and even nicer to hear how surprised and happy he was to finally garner a nom. These scenes, following Shawn's death, were the perfect submission choice, because he played devastated so well. We don't think he has a chance in hell of winning, which is sad, but we would be okay with being wrong in this instance.


I'm with Barney....to the shock of no one here I'm sure =)

From what I am hearing Peter Reckell is the sentimental favorite to win...so I'm ok with that. But if the usual happens and the ham wins......ohhh good night I'll hurl my TV through a window.

So, I've mentioned this on various posts, but I grew up on NBC soaps, particularly Days and Another World (my all-time favorite), and I did not switch to ABC until AW''s cancellation, and then, mostly just GH until I was forced to delete it from my season passes for the sake of my sanity. I've seen like 10 episodes of AMC ever.
Anyway, the Best Supporting Actress nominee videos inspired me to watch a bunch Kendall/Zach scenes online, as Alicia Minshew's entry was exquisite. I found Thorsten Kaye to be a really compelling actor. I really get it you guys. They're an awesome soap couple. I'm a shipper! So he gets my second choice because..
Peter Reckhell is first in my heart on this list. It's sentimental, sure, but he did a really nice job and, well, he's likeable and I remember him marrying Hope on the boat (I'm old!) and thinking they were the best supercouple ever and I love that they're together now. Sentimental favorite, okay by me.

P.S. Barney may always speak for me. NPH for president!

totally agree re: cosgrove and marcy ryan... I hope somebody snaps her up, she's got that rare Kirsten Storms-ish "you can't help but love me while I do stupid-ass shit" quality.

Poor Cristian. Michael is barely on the show now and Lauren is all but gone. And Peter Reckell, what a hot daddy he has become.

I like everyone in this category, with the exception of Tony Geary, so he will win.

2004 - Anthony Geary
2005 - Christian LeBlanc
2006 - Anthony Geary
2007 - Christian LeBlanc
2008 - Anthony Geary

I'm going with Christian LeBlanc do to rotation!

JC's post gave me a total catty reaction: Which over plastic surgery-ed gay dude with the careful coif is going to win this year!?

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