Nashville: Brat Time
In all honesty I don't really care to dignify an episode of Nashville that has no Will in it with a post at all. I've consistently found that to be not only the most interesting storyline, but also the one that gets the least movement. It's been chasing its tail for years.
That said, I do have to address a few things. How could I not?
- Maddie. Maddie's a brat. Maddie is a brat whose bratitude is not only allowed but encouraged. I mean I get that all three of her parents are kind of awful in their own special ways, but why is it that every time she throws a tantrum everyone bends over backwards to coddle her? She apparently thinks she's too much of a musical special snowflake to finish high school and her dad doesn't even counter anything she says by explaining why a basic education could actually be good for someone who is trying to have a music career. Somehow her "either/or" philosophy is duly noted and never disputed. And when Teddy tells her why she can't actually quit high school at 15 to go be the next Taylor Swift (although way to not back up your co-parent there, Teddy, with that whole "I don't feel strongly about this at all but your mother does" bullshit), she rolls her eyes and tells him "that's weak" and HE JUST TAKES IT. Who is allowed to talk to their parents like that? Holy crap, my folks would've invented a new definition of "grounded." But no matter! She's going to get rewarded for her nasty attitude with a recording contract, because Jeff Fordham has inexplicably decided she really will be the next Taylor Swift! (Her songs are as lovely as they are folksy and sweet and low-key.
This is supposed to be his next arena juggernaut? C'mon.) And of course he's blackmailing Teddy into it because of Teddy's tryst with the lady of the night.
- Major props to Hayden Panettiere for actually allowing herself to look like a pregnant woman. Too many actresses clearly overdo it when trying to stay Hollywood skinny while pregnant. I'm also enjoying enjoying that she's pretty much wearing hoodies and sweats all the time now instead of trying to glam it up. (Also, Avery is being adorable, is he not?)
- While this week they actually let Sadie briefly interact with another character on the show, they quickly scuttled her back off again into her own dark tale of stalking and domestic abuse. She is obviously accustomed to covering up her bruises well. No reappearance of the gun, though. Chekhov's rule hasn't really applied yet, but I suppose in episodic television you get more acts until it has to come into play.
- Oh, Scarlett. Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett. I continue to be exhausted by how she's defined as a character by making the people around her into cartoon villains. We got one of her screechy freakouts this week, due to her horrible mother not being willing to offer up part of her liver to save Deacon. And her horrible mother is indeed horrible. But it doesn't make my skin crawl less when Scarlett's around. I could have done without all of that, but naturally it's all to pave the way for Maddie eventually having to be the donor, right? Will that be good? Will it make Maddie less bratty? A less bratty Maddie will be good for everyone's health.
(We'd almost gone three episodes without Scarlett tears. All is normal again.)
- So Rayna went into the Bluebird and couldn't perform because the place reminded her too much of... Deacon? Who she just called off her marriage for? Who she just confessed her unending love to? That Deacon? Why are we having a sads fit?
- Poor Deacon.
- Oh yeah, Gunnar went to Austin and made his nephew less angry. Eh. We're deprived of Will for this?
billy miller from the young and the restless will guest star on eyecandy billy miller will be playing as Julian bird in eyecandy
Posted by: frank | February 12, 2015 at 11:25 AM
eyal podell from the young and the restless will guest star on girl meets world eyal podell will be playing as hunt joel in girl meets world
Posted by: frank | February 12, 2015 at 11:46 AM
Not quite sure what any of the above has to do with Nashville.
A day without Scarlett tears is like a day without oxygen.
Posted by: MD | February 12, 2015 at 11:48 AM
billy miller from the young and the restless will guest star on arrow billy miller will be playing as leo akindele in arrow
Posted by: eric | February 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM
Louise, maybe Will is off-screen looking for Brent. BRENT!
Posted by: C | February 12, 2015 at 05:10 PM
That's got to be it, C! They're off spending a romantic Valentine's Day together!
Posted by: Louise | February 12, 2015 at 05:16 PM
I'm almost as tired of this Gunnar storyline as I am of Scarlett's little anime squish-face. Which I assume means that they are doomed to get back together any episode now and cry about his lost son/nephew and her uncle and then write a duet about how their families are all gone and/ or dead and/ or selfish about their internal organs.
Posted by: Amy | February 13, 2015 at 11:28 AM
I think every episode of Nashville has certain quota to meet Maddie being a brat check Scarlett crying and having the worst hair check. Juliette and Avery being adorable check
Posted by: Helen | February 13, 2015 at 09:08 PM