Nashville: She and Me
It's back!
I don't have a whole lot to say about the mid-season premiere of Nashville from last night (that's what we're calling it now when these shows return from their holiday nap, right?) because it was mostly people just sort of wrapping up their reactions to everything that happened in the last episode, but there are a few things worth noting:
- The titular quote is from Deacon, who said something like, "She and me, I don't know what we are right now" in reference to Rayna's and his sort-of-relationship. I ran through my mental rolodex of grammatical situations and I couldn't think of a single one in which "she and me" would ever be correct. She and I? Sure! Me and her? Absolutely! But she and me rhymes, so let's go with it.
- Sadie had a subplot in this episode that belonged entirely in some other show. Was that not completely bizarre? Basically she bought herself a gun (semi-illegally, because this is the Mid-South and if it's a lady behind the counter at the gun store, she gets it) and started filling out paperwork for a restraining order against her ex. I don't remember her ex's name but now I can only think of him as "Riley," since that's who he played on OLTL. It was all very creepy and intense and dark and I'm pretty sure someone is going to get killed in this alternate reality that we'll call Nashville: The Underbelly.
- Will was super-bummed that Layla tried to off herself because of him. I can't really blame her for hating him; she ultimately accepted him and agreed to keep his secret and act as his beard only to catch him sleeping with another woman. If this is what it takes to get Will to come out, I'll take it. Is that what's happening? They got the reality show canceled and Will seems to have a new attitude, but whatever his big plan is, Jeff Fordham seems on board with it. Feels unlikely that somebody like Jeff Fordham would support a country star on his label coming out publicly. But let's get there, show. It's been too long.
- Most importantly: SCARLETT BASICALLY DID NOTHING IN THIS EPISODE. That was pretty exciting. Sure, she offered to donate part of her liver to Deacon (y'all, I'm a donor and all but is there any way to notate on my driver's license to really just not even bother with my liver? It's not going to save anyone, although I was psyched to learn from this episode that we don't need all of our liver!), but she had the wrong blood type (which also reminded me that one of these days I should really find out what my blood type is), which obviously means someone else in the main cast is going to end up forking over a slice of their liver to save Deacon. And naturally this is how the secret will come out, because of course the show fell back on the most boring soap cliche of all: I MUST KEEP MY POSSIBLY-FATAL ILLNESS FROM MY LOVAH TO PROTECT HER! Oh, Deacon. How I'd enjoyed his lack of mystery up until now. This is tedious indeed.
- Luke threw a party celebrating himself instead of the wedding. He's mad but he sure seems resilient. That said, is he staying on this show? If he is, that can really only mean he'll be vengeful. Oh and it could also mean Sadie.
- Juliette was pretty impressed with the altruism behind offering her new husband three entire shelves of space in her 400-square-foot closet AND NOTHING ELSE. That seems reasonable. Wait till this kid pops out and everything in the house is covered in toys and baby gear and puke.
10:52AM. I had to come in here and edit this because I realized I forgot Gunnar's storyline altogether! That speaks volumes for its impact, right? So uh, his son isn't really his son but his nephew, and his nephew is super-pissed at him about that. And the grandparents got custody. I'd say sad trombone, but isn't this kind of good news? Now he has a beloved nephew but no responsibilities! I'm not seeing the downside. Will he get baby rabies now? Oh I hope so. I hope they turn that trope on a gender-bending head and have Gunnar kidnap Juliette and Avery's kid BECAUSE HE JUST NEEDS TO BE A FATHER HE NEEDS TO OKAY?
Less Scarlett is DEFINITELY better!!
Posted by: Kim L | February 05, 2015 at 01:46 PM
Posted by: b vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv | February 08, 2015 at 03:57 AM